For years, the question has been asked: Is College Football Betting the safest move when trying to make a profit betting on sports? The question is a valid one known and studied by many sports betting experts.
If you are the occasional sports bettor who bets only for the fun of it; then it probably doesn’t matter to you, but if you are a little more serious about making money betting on sports, you better know what to look for.
A few NCAA football betting tips for this upcoming College Football Season:
- NCAA Football Handicapping deals with players who range from 18-23 years of age. (very young)
- 90% of the players on the field every Saturday will NOT be going on to the NFL to play after their collegiate playing days are over. (this means very little parity)
- College football players are not paid contrary to NFL players. (not much incentive to put your body on the line to risk injury)
- Many weeks throughout the college football season players are studying before, during and after games and practices. (very tired and fatigued physically and emotionally)
- For many of the players, it is their first time ever that they have been away from home. (many kids do not become comfortable at college until their second or third year)
- Competition levels are so much higher than what they are used to in high school. (this leads players to realize that they are not as good as they were scouted out to be)
College Football Handicapping involves a lot of emotion which is overlooked often by the average sports bettor.
To sum things up with College Football Betting, there are MANY opportunities to make money with betting on college football due to some of the factors listed above combined with many other sports handicapping techniques. Don’t get caught up in trying to research every single team and their history in order to get an edge. Let TodaysPicks.net sports handicapping services do the work for you. All for a reasonable price!
And don’t forget, if you are looking for a legal, safe sportsbook, go to www.betus.com and open a betting account for this upcoming football season. Let TodaysPicks.net build your bankroll for you
Read more College Football Handicapping Information Articles