Today, gambling is commonly associated with organized sports. In fact, millions of dollars are circulated each day when there is a sports activity, such as games on the NBA, NFL, MBL, and even NCAA sports. If you are one of the many sports bettors out there, then you might want to know about point shaving and know whether if it still happens today.Basically, point shaving is a type of match fixing where the culprit will prevent a specific team to cover a published point spread. This type of scheme generally involves sports bettors and one or more players on a sports team to give the game away.
In the past, professional players were not really paid a lot of money. So, point shaving was very common and players were often bribed by gamblers initiating the point shaving scheme. However, because most professional athletes today are now highly paid and have a lot of endorsement deals, point shaving is virtually non-existent in professional sports like NBA, NFL, MBL, and NHL.
NCAA or college sports are another story. There is still point shaving scandals going on today on NCAA sporting events . However, because of the strict laws against it, and the consequences those college players will get when they get caught, point shaving rarely happens now on the NCAA. The consequences are losing their scholarship and they will also get expelled from the college they are playing for. And, if you are the college player who got caught participating in the point shaving scandal, you will have a record of it and you won't likely be able to play for any university or college you get in unless the school allows you to. Basically, basketball is one of the easiest sports for point shaving as the scoring tempo can be influenced by one player. They can deliberately miss shots, and also commit well-timed turnovers or fouls. Point shaving can easily be disguised in basketball. These are the facts about point shaving. Although it still happens today (mostly on collegiate sports), it only happens rarely.
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Stories of Point Shaving:
1919 Chicago White "Black" Sox
1951 College Basketball Scandal
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